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Marg and daughter unite With One Voice

Marg and daughter

For resident Marg Walker, the With One Voice Altona Meadows community choir at Benetas St George’s is more than just an opportunity to sing along to her favourite tunes.

Read more in this great article from DPS News.

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Benefit Geelong grant awarded to With One Voice Geelong

The team from Benefit Geelong came to With One Voice Geelong’s rehearsal on Monday to award them with a grant! This grant will allow… [Read]

Lina’s story

“When I came to Australia I didn’t even know about community choirs, but then I found one and they became… [Read]

Drift Away: National With One Voice choir project

We are beyond thrilled to announce the release of our first national With One Voice Australia choir project! 24 choirs… [Read]

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Nerves On A Choir: My First Rehearsal

My first choir experience  

Sam Siddons

I had no idea what to expect heading into the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins for my first With One Voice choir. I had just landed a gig as an intern for Creativity Australia and assumed I’d be there in an ‘observational’ capacity. That assumption proved to be incorrect. I’d never sung in a choir before, let alone publicly, and was nervous about to be doing so.

As I stood awkwardly wondering what I had got myself into it was suggested I go and join the “boys”. The boys, or the bass section, consisted of six men all much older than me, yet some were years apart from one and other.  Summing up the situation I attempted to sneak into the back row unnoticed, but this close knit gang of basses weren’t about to just let anyone in. A tall older man turned and looked at me. He offered me his hand and joyfully asked “do you sing often?” “No, not really,” I said. He smiled before saying, “You have a voice. That’s a start”. (more…)

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Benefit Geelong grant awarded to With One Voice Geelong

The team from Benefit Geelong came to With One Voice Geelong’s rehearsal on Monday to award them with a grant! This grant will allow… [Read]

Lina’s story

“When I came to Australia I didn’t even know about community choirs, but then I found one and they became… [Read]

Drift Away: National With One Voice choir project

We are beyond thrilled to announce the release of our first national With One Voice Australia choir project! 24 choirs… [Read]

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Top 10 Songs To Sing In The Shower

A Music Buff’s Guide to Singing In the Buff

Top 10  Songs to Sing in the Shower

Not only does everybody sing in the shower, everybody also thinks they sound better in the shower. The reason why we sound better is fairly simple, it’s due to your voice bouncing off the smooth hard tiles and glass surfaces, giving it more power. This makes a regular Joe or Joanne sound as powerful as the late Roy Orbison or as soulful as Adele.

Research into shower singing has provided even more reasons to belt it out first thing in the morning. A Swiss study found singing to have a huge effect on your heart rate, so much so that it can even reduce the risk of heart disease. Swedish neurologist Bjorn Vickhoff said that singing “gives you pretty much the same effect as yoga breathing”.

So what other reasons do you need to realize the beauty of shower singing first thing in the morning? Maybe you’re just stuck for ideas on what to sing next? If that’s so, enjoy 10 songs selected to belt out in a hot shower on a cold morning.


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Benefit Geelong grant awarded to With One Voice Geelong

The team from Benefit Geelong came to With One Voice Geelong’s rehearsal on Monday to award them with a grant! This grant will allow… [Read]

Lina’s story

“When I came to Australia I didn’t even know about community choirs, but then I found one and they became… [Read]

Drift Away: National With One Voice choir project

We are beyond thrilled to announce the release of our first national With One Voice Australia choir project! 24 choirs… [Read]

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Give Happy, Live Happy: Volunteer Week

Volunteer Week 2015

It’s National Volunteer Week and Creativity Australia’s With One Voice family wants to say a big thank you to our 100 volunteers who support and contribute to the community every week.

Without their ongoing support, the With One Voice choirs wouldn’t be able to operate as successfully as it does and for that, we are truly grateful.


Together, our volunteers and other wonderful team members are helping change the world… one voice at a time. Creativity Australia’s aim is to bridge the gap between people experiencing disadvantage and those more fortunate through the neuro-scientific benefits of community singing, choirs and singing projects. We build supportive networks that help people connect to brighter futures.

Coinciding with Volunteering Australia’s motto this year, our team members share the same value: Give Happy, Live Happy.

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Latest news
Benefit Geelong grant awarded to With One Voice Geelong

The team from Benefit Geelong came to With One Voice Geelong’s rehearsal on Monday to award them with a grant! This grant will allow… [Read]

Lina’s story

“When I came to Australia I didn’t even know about community choirs, but then I found one and they became… [Read]

Drift Away: National With One Voice choir project

We are beyond thrilled to announce the release of our first national With One Voice Australia choir project! 24 choirs… [Read]

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