Drift Away: National With One Voice choir project · Creativity Australia
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Drift Away: National With One Voice choir project

We are beyond thrilled to announce the release of our first national With One Voice Australia choir project! 24 choirs from all over the country have come together to create a stunning rendition of Mentor Williams’ “Drift Away”!

These incredible choirs, part of the With One Voice network, poured their hearts and souls into their performances, and the result is a powerful, united voice that will give you chills. Check out the final video and let the beautiful harmonies and uplifting spirit drift you away! Our network of community choirs welcome absolutely everyone. We’re rehearsing weekly with more than 1200 members across the country!

Find a choir near you: www.withonevoice.org.au/choirs
Donate to keep our choirs singing: www.creativityaustralia.org.au/donate

Thanks to all the choirs that took part:
With One Voice Mt Druitt
With One Voice Greater Dandenong
With One Voice Geelong
With One Voice Break O’Day
With One Voice Chatswood
With One Voice Redfern Choir
With One Voice Mornington
With One Voice Melbourne
With One Voice Bayswater
With One Voice Brisbane
With One Voice Hobson’s Bay
With One Voice Wyndham
With One Voice Kingston Park
With One Voice North East VIC
With One Voice St Kilda
With One Voice Riverina
With One Voice Whitehorse
With One Voice Sydney
With One Voice Sunbury
With One Voice Canberra
With One Voice Ashburton
With One Voice Perth
With One Voice Mackay
With One Voice Ballarat

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