Performance Testimonials · Creativity Australia
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Performance Testimonials

“We joined WOV after attending a ‘With One Big Voice’ Concert at Melbourne Town Hall. We were attracted by the way Choristers spoke about what the Choir had done for them. This was clearly where we wished to continue our Choral experience, a place where we could help make a difference in the lives of people living with Disadvantage. It has been a wonderful fulfilling journey.” Ray and Denise – With One Big Voice Concert attendees

“The night was really great. Lara and the choir were a big hit, with a standing ovation given to them, OUTSTANDING!!” – NAWIC Awards Attendee, Brisbane

“The performance was OUTSTANDING! The choir sounded beautiful and added a whole other level to our event. We are so grateful to all the choristers who made an effort be there.
Very special mention to Kym! His energy, enthusiasm and love of what he does is unmistakable and infectious! We were also incredibly touched by the words spoken between songs. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, nor a still body during the performance.
Please pass on our sincere thanks to the entire crew; we thanked (and hugged!) many of them on the night but would love to know that each and every one of them knows how deeply appreciative of their wonderful singing we are.” Emily Dalton – NDIS Geelong

“We are so appreciative of the genuine sharing of life and music at our recent conference of the Melbourne Choir and their amazing conductor Chris”. So many delegates commented on the beautiful music and the joy for life that the choir shared. Thank you all! Shane Taylor – St Columba’s College.

“The choir brought an element of absolute pure joy and enjoyment to the event. The songs they chose to sing were perfect and you really felt like you wanted to join in and sing along with them.
Part of our message on the day was about doing things in life that connect you to other people, tap into your creative side and also to find something you are passionate about doing – the choir encapsulated all of this and everyone felt uplifted and inspired.
The thing I loved the most was the kazoo that was used in the most opportune places and everyone loved it and had a laugh. I had numerous people say how much they enjoyed the performance and also interest in With One Voice as a concept.” Nic Linford, White Lady Funerals July 2019

“I would like to thank the With One Voice choir for singing at our Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony this year.  Their energy was infectious and their voices encouraged everyone else to sing with equal enthusiasm.
I can honestly say their music of many cultures in the most diverse city in Australia made everyone smile!” Mayor Roz Blades AM, City of Greater Dandenong Jan 2019

“What an awesome entity you have created with WITH ONE VOICE…it was a truly uplifting and enjoyable experience and I was thrilled to be there to witness this amazing event. I took both my sisters and one of them said…’well, I learnt a lot today’…a true testament to what you are doing.” Patricia Moran, Village Roadshow Dec 2018

“I wish to express the greatest admiration for the members of “With One Voice” Choir who participated in the Mango Hill Armistice Centenary Festival on 11th November. The quality of the performance of the Members as well as the leadership of Cath Mundy and her team was outstanding!” Mango Hill Progress Association

“What a beautiful performance by an evocative choir! Thank you all! You took a great event to the next level of positive feeling and inclusion. Every single person in the room singing and dancing! The way you started your performance by meeting all of our guests was stunning. Thank you”.  Peak Care Queensland, November 2018

“We recently engaged with Creativity Australia, With One Voice to perform together with Rebecca Bode from Pot-Pourri at our FEW Annual Leadership Conference in Melbourne. The planning of this performance was detailed and professionally run, you could really feel the passion the team have at Creativity Australia. The choir and Rebecca were a show stopper and left our audience feeling inspired to Make a Difference.“ Financial Executive Women’, May 2018

“Thank you so much for With One Voice Brisbane’s participation in the Standing Beside You Carers Week Mental Health Forum 2017. It’s taken a little while to collate all of the feedback forms but as I wanted to include some of the positive comments we received in my thank you email to you, I think it was worth the wait. The general consensus from the staff who attended and the audience we spoke with on their way home was that this year’s forum was the best one yet. The vibe in the room throughout the day was just wonderful and the smiles and laughter at the end of the day really told the story. Many people named the With One Voice Choir as the most valuable part of the day.”
Carers Week Mental Health Forum, November 2017

“The With One Voice choirs were inspiring, uplifting and moving at the Ci2017 Gala Dinner and debate. They united everyone to sing together as one and create a more inclusive and equal community in the age of acceleration.” Kat Dunn, Ideapod, c12017

“I attended the St Benards Kick Arts performance to support my nephew and was very moved by the performance your organisation presented on stage. I had my 2 daughters with me, aged 15 and 8.  Six weeks ago we lost my wife/their mother after an 8 year battle with breast cancer.  She was a professional vocalist performing amongst Australia’s best and most recognised musicians. Last nights performance put our loss into perspective and showed my children that there are many out there battling all sorts of life issues and that we are not alone. The night meant a great deal to us considering the circumstances.”  Shaun Scully 

“The choir were a unique and uplifting addition for the opening of our national congress. Their vitality and passion for such a great cause was infectious with everyone smiling and singing along. The Creativity Australia team kept inspiring our delegates throughout the event, encouraging us to be creative, happier and of course healthier. Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) is proud to be partner in their Sing for Good campaign, keeping older Australians engaged in social activities.” Jacqui Murkins, National Events & Projects Manager, Leading Age Services Australia (LASA)

“The choir was wonderful and attracted a lot of positive comments. Thank you very much to you, to Jane and to the wonderful choir members for adding such a warm and unique element to our event.” Carmel Kozolup, Maribyrnong Makers Market 

“What a beautifully produced concert! We all appreciated how well organised it was, how well looked after the choristers were, and how much fun we all had on stage. After travelling so far, it was great for them to sit on stage and soak in the atmosphere, listen to the other choirs and give them heaps of support as well as sing their hearts out too. What a lot of joy the whole experience gave. Although we are all super exhausted!! I have received messages of thanks from many choir members. It certainly was a life changing experience for many and gave the choir the opportunity to bond more deeply than chatting over supper can achieve.” Conductor Cath, With One Voice Brisbane.

“There is nothing like singing together with 300 other voices. It helps you connect to something much bigger than yourself!” Christine from With One Voice Altona Meadows

“Congratulations on a wonderful concert on Sunday. It was a most inspirational and emotional event and a credit to your energy and organisational skills. I only wish more Melbournians could see it. A big hug and congratulations again.” Marigold Southey AC

“The people who attended the event enjoyed it a lot and even the Sydney City Councillors were singing along. Well done. With One Voice Sydney brought diversity and joy to the event and looked like they had a good time as well!” City of Sydney

“Dear Tania, I found you, and Shaun, inspiring beyond words… my soul lifted to a celestial level! Loved the afternoon and will be back for more.” James

“My thanks from the City of Sydney to each of you for joining us to bring the City alive with the sounds of the human spirit – just gorgeous.” Michelle

“We saw our friend sing at the With One BIG Voice gig at the Melbourne Town Hall the previous Sunday. It was great! Fantastic! Brilliant! Fun! Go choir go! Everyone was fabulous, all in tune.  It was amazing how they all sung in unison.” Phoebe and Chris

“Lots of energy. Lots of fun. Lots of inspiration. A pleasure to help. And the thanks are ours for you and your team. Well done and warmest best wishes.” The Hon. Ted Baillieu MLA

“Your With One BIG Voice concert at the Town Hall on 12 October was a triumph! Wonderfully enjoyable and inspiring. All the singers so happy, and the singing standard amazingly high considering the numbers of participants from so many places. It was obvious what a force for good With One Voice is.” Ian Baillieu

“Well done on a truly soul uplifting experience for audience and singers. I do hope and pray that many more will get involved in your programs and more funding will be available. The gift of music is priceless, you bring unspeakable joy to the lives of so many.” Dr Dawn Joseph, Senior Lecturer, Deakin University

“Many thanks for the With One BIG Voice concert on Sunday. It was truly great and inspirational. What’s more, I had brought my thirteen year old daughter to try and share something positive with her and when you asked everyone to turn to the person next to us and try and describe how we felt about the event, we both turned to each other and exclaimed “Inspirational”, a truly happy moment for a parent to bond with their teenage daughter (something I am struggling with lately).

Rachel recently changed from Primary school where she was in the choir and hasn’t felt the desire to seek out involvement in the high school choir yet. I hope experiencing this event has helped her consider that option and how it can be done in an inspirational way.

I really respect what you’ve achieved Tania. It crosses age, gender and capacity boundaries and bonds us at a fundamental level (something maybe only music can do). It’s also great to see so many happy volunteers who were very friendly and helpful.” Greg

“It was the best concert yet in my opinion so ecstatic. So awesome!!!!!” Cherisse

“The concert was grand and amazing.” Melville

“Just a quick message to let u all know what a fantastic event the concert at Melbourne Town Hall as. Please pass on thanks to Kym and all the amazing members of With One Voice Geelong, who welcomed me when I sang with them at the concert. I feel priviledged to share this with them and all the others who sang.” Monica

“It was an absolute pleasure helping out! The choirs were incredible and everyone should be really proud.” Liam

“Thank you so much for the tickets to the FABULOUS concert today. My friend and I thoroughly enjoyed it. WELL DONE to everyone involved and also all you organisers.” Angela

“What a great event. Well done to all involved!” Rohan

“Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to participate in the thrilling gala concert in Melbourne Town Hall. It was my first time performing with a big group, I enjoyed every minute of it.” Serena

“The choir was phenomenal.  I cried with joy… and all the way home!”  Audience member

“I would like to firstly like to  thank you all on behalf of David, Holly and myself on a truly amazing day, as a family we all shared the joy of being at one with a huge choir of heart felt singers, came home to Sydney feeling totally uplifted. Holly was honoured to sing a solo for Sydney sings and has a trust through Liz’s guidance to just go there and feel free to open up and let out some magic on stage! We are very grateful.” Julie Thoms, Sydney Sings

“I just now left the Melbourne Town Hall. I am elated by the beauty of this uplifting of voices and the bond of choir and audience. I came not knowing what to expect. What I recieved I cannot express only thank you.  I hope to be on that stage next year surrounded with love and light.” Dianne Woodman

“Thank you for leading and organising such an important event when it seems that the world has lost its way. Your approach is unique and succinctly strong showing the light of hope, love and passion. The message has been loud and clear. I will be honoured to be a member of your movement.” Dr Quamrul Alam, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

“It was a really great ending to the conference and the buzz and feeling from With One Voice was fantastic. All of the audience were on their feet waving arms from side to side and joined in the singing of we all call Australia home. After the conference many Rotarians in the audience commented on the ending and the involvement of Geelong Sings. Kym was great.” Eric, Rotary Club

“We all thought (my mother, my younger son, my partner and I) that the concert was fabulous. So entertaining and the stories we heard were just heart warming. Congrats on such a wonderful day.” Tina, a With One Voice choir member

“Many thanks again for such a brilliant event. I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it and I look forward to another next year!” Kathryn, a With One Voice choir member

“The CA team really are a well-oiled machine and what you accomplished on Sunday was incredible, and I am very honoured to be a part of all of this.” Kym Dillon, Conductor

“I have pleasure in writing to you on behalf of the Club to thank you for your magnificent choral efforts at the recent Carols by Candlelight. The whole audience, which was probably the biggest we’ve been blessed with for a long time, were all very appreciative of you.” Alan Knott, Secretary, The Y Service Club of Geelong

“The Greater Dandenong Sings group did a marvellous job of singing a few ‘oldies but goodies’ like ‘Singing in the Rain’ and ‘Lean on Me’, that had everyone swaying as they joined in.” Yas, miniCITYchallenge

“I just wished to pass onto you and Tania and all at Creativity Australia what a pleasure it was to be present at ‘With One Big Voice’ last Sunday afternoon. I delighted in all the music and in the individual introductions and stressing of the social and economic outcomes of your choirs. I was particularly moved by the Professor from Nanjing, China. Thank you for the invitation and every best wish for 2012 and beyond!” Tanya Costello Executive Officer, Jack Brockhoff Foundation

“Your crew today were wonderful. Bridget and Jo and the team had crusty middle-aged men swaying in their seats, tapping their toes, and even raising a curmudgeonly smile or two. And that was just me! Seriously though, people spoke so very highly of the event and of With One Voice. Congratulations to you for all you do. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!” Richard Dent, Chief Executive Officer EW Tipping Foundation

“I’d like to extend my thanks to you as event bookings organiser, Shaun as Conductor extraordinaire and all Choir members for a terrific performance. The feedback for the event from patrons has been very positive. I certainly had great fun yesterday afternoon and appreciated the professionalism of the group.” Susan Thomson, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Support Librarian, Dandenong Library

“The Couch – International Student Centre had the privilege to hear the beautiful harmony of Creativity Australia’s One Voice Choir at The Couch End of Year Party last Tuesday. The choir’s energy was truly inspiring. We really enjoyed our collaboration with them – their professionalism and their beautiful sound made for a wonderful performance in front of over 150 guests. The stories behind the voices were inspirational and heartfelt. Their performance was uplifting and was a true highlight at our event. We look forward to working closer with them in the near future.” Gary Lee, International Student and Youth Project Officer, City of Melbourne

“You have certainly created an amazing, inclusive and inspiring energy with Melbourne Sings – heartiest congratulations!” Professor Mel Waters

“Tania de Jong and her Melbourne Sings Choir played a wonderful part of our event. They struck at the core of what it means to embrace diversity, the innate creativity in all of us and the power of collective energy to create positive change. Their voices and enthusiasm opened hearts and inspired us all.” Taren Hocking, Director SWB

“Thank you for your help organising Melbourne Sings to perform. It was a great end to an inspiring day; they had the audience up and dancing!” Breakthrough Conference on Women, Faith and Poverty for the Greenstone Group

“Melbourne Sings Choir was inspiring and a perfect ending to a very successful night.” Diversity@Work Awards

“On 9th October at the opening of the Australasian Integrative Medicine Association Annual Holistic Health Conference, we were privileged to open this conference with the wonderful Royal Children’s Hospital Choir. It was most appropriate to have this great initiative of the hospital involving their staff from many departments come together in such skillful harmony, to perform at our Conference with its emphasis on health and wellness. The choir sang beautifully and with such passion and joy. The feedback from our delegates was excellent and they appreciated the conference opening on such a high note! Many thanks to Shaun Islip and Tania de Jong from Creativity Australia for organizing this.”Anna Ryan, AIMA

“Melbourne Sings were able to get the audience going with their enthusiastic repertoire of uplifting songs!” InfoXchange Digital Inclusion Launch

“Melbourne Sings performed with relentless passion under the direction of music director Shaun Islip. Melbourne Sings is a testament to your commitment to community arts and the positive benefits it brings to passive and active participants.” World Parliament of Religions

“Thank you for your participation in ANZ’s A Taste of Harmony Cultural Diversity Week. I commend your effort and generosity in the work of the Melbourne Sings. It was a moving and entertaining performance. We received very positive feedback from ANZ staff.” ANZ

“I had a lump in my throat and goosebumps!” Margo from Hiltons

“Words are not enough to express my thanks to the wonderful choir. Their performance was outstanding. Please pass on my, and the Lions Clubs congratulations for a most moving and fantastic performance. I look forward to watching as this choir evolves into the best one in Victoria!! If at any time the Lions Club is able to assist the choir please contact me.” Lions Club

“I am writing to personally thank Greater Dandenong Sings for supporting my Mayoral Charity Dinner, held on 23 October at the Springvale Town Hall. The evening was enjoyed by over 450 guests and the Greater Dandenong Sings Choir certainly played a significant role in the evening’s entertainment. I would appreciate if you could please pass on my heartfelt thanks to all the members of the choir that sang and thank them also for their willingness to share their stories with us.” Cr Jim Memeti, Mayor, City of Greater Dandenong

“On behalf of the Barwon Mental Health Week Committee can you please extend our thanks to Jacqui and all the members of the Geelong Sings choir for their performance at last night’s Mental Health Week Civic Reception. The performance was well received and added to the success of the evening – a fitting finale with “We are Geelong!”” Chris Scanlan, Barwon Health

“Congratulations!  Listening to ‘With One Voice’ had me fighting back tears – it really hit a personal spot for me, and aligns so much with our organisations mission of empowering our most vulnerable and disadvantaged.” Emma Gosper, CentaCare NSW

“Tania’s a most inspiring person and I think you all realise she is so creative herself that she inspires us to make an effort to be creative; all of us.” Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

“Tania’s brought it to the football clubs, the businesses, Government departments. Different groups of people find a common interest that actually loosens up the relationship within any small public group to enable this creativity to take place. I think it’s fantastic what she’s done.”Hugh Morgan AC

“Creativity is important…in every aspect of society whether it’s business or Government or civil society. It’s undervalued in our society, creativity.” Professor Alan Fels AO

“Thank you for your kind invitation to hear Melbourne Sings. I was overwhelmed! What an amazing musical experience! Singing with the choir was most enjoyable too. The joy on your choristers’ faces still resonates.” Walter Rapoport, Chairman CCJ (Vic)

“I’ve just found your flyer on the Austin ‘Hub’ and noticed that “lifting spirits” is one of the goals of the choir.  Well, they certainly lifted mine when I heard the beautiful sounds of ‘Imagine’ in harmony last Thursday.  After a busy and stressful day, I left the office late on my way to visit a friend who was in one of the wards and literally stopped in my tracks and smiled when I heard the choir.  It brought back memories of a choir I used to sing in (which also sang ‘Imagine’ at various times) but also just made my day.  Beautiful song and very beautifully presented harmonies by the Austin choir.” Cheryl Richards

“Please extend our heartfelt thanks to Shaun and the Greater Dandenong Choir. We had a great time. It was an extra ordinary performance. All residents were still talking about it and how much fun they all had.  This is just a small thing to say a massive thanks to all of you who make our Supper Club event a meaningful one.” Liezl Pilapil, Lifestyle Coordinator TLC Aged Care –Noble Gardens

“Wow! What a wonderful performance by your With One Voice Choir at out recent Multifaith Conference at Fitzroy Town Hall. The Choir sang uplifting songs that permeated a wonderful feeling throughout the entire venue. Our delegates were so impressed they rated the choir a major highlight in their feedback forms.

The conductor of the choir needs a special mention conducting himself in an incredibly professional manner throughout the entire day. And what a wonderful testimonial by one of your younger members who highlighted the important role the With One Voice choir has played in her life since arriving in Australia.

For those of you out there looking to book the With One Voice Choir for your next event be warned: these guys are not your every-day community choir, they are a highly professional unit that will light/spark up your event!” Sandy, Faith Communities Council Victoria

”Christmas time can fill us all with many different emotions, what the ‘With One Voice’ Choir did at Repco Support Office on the 13th December 2012, gave us hope, hope that no matter how individually different we all are we can still come together and sing wonderfully written Christmas Carols. The With One Voice Choir was amazing not only in their professionalism but their lovely friendly personalities. They sounded beautiful and were beautifully led by Kym. We are looking forward to next year.” Tabetha Stephenson, Repco Support Office, Mulgrave Victoria

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