Education + Community · Creativity Australia
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Education + Community

Around the world, research is mounting that demonstrates the importance of community connections, creativity and music for mental health, wellbeing, learning and education.
Find below some of our favourite research highlights and articles on the topic:

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award.

Entrepreneurs can change the world. At its best, entrepreneurship captures the essence of childhood imagination and adult endeavor. This slick video below, written and produced by Sonja Jacob and designed by Ben White, reminds us that creation and determination, fused with possibility, can create great success.

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Happy Together: National With One Voice choir project

As thousands return to choir this week, we are so proud to launch our newest national video project! With One… [Read]

ABC Radio feature: WOV Adelaide

Sarah Maunder from ABC Radio came along to our Adelaide CBD choir for their Christmas party, and had a chat to… [Read]

Sing Social

Introducing Sing Social: our new monthly afternoon of singing with a bunch of awesome people! Come along to belt out a… [Read]

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