Program evaluation · Creativity Australia
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Program evaluation

In partnership with Swinburne University of Technology’s Centre for Social Impact, and with funding support from beyondblue and the Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy, Creativity Australia undertook an evaluation of the With One Voice Program.


This research showed that participation in the program contributes to enhanced wellbeing and reduced stress, depression and anxiety.

The choirs also create strong networks which are a valuable resource in times of need, especially for those who may not have strong family or community supports elsewhere in their life.


  • 11 years
  • 35+ programs
  • 6,000+ participants
  • 100s of volunteers
  • 1,000+ inspiring performances
  • 100s of work experience, skills, mentoring & employment opportunities
  • 100s of connections to health and social services
  • 4100+ wishes granted (since 2013)
  • National & international interest to commence new programs
  • Development of the With One Voice Social Franchise model


  • 98% of participants say it is a great way to de-stress
  • 95% say that they “always feel better after choir”
  • 84% say they have made new friends/relationships
  • 81% experience improved wellbeing
  • 79% have learned new things
  • 71% have improved community involvement
  • 66% feel less depressed (30% neither agreed nor disagreed because not everyone who comes to the program is depressed)
  • 60% have gained improved understanding of other cultures and people
  • 52% say granting wishes and helping other people has enriched their life


This research forms the baseline for a more in-depth study examining the relationship between building networks for individuals and how this reduces the costs of welfare, unemployment and mental health for governments. We are seeking partners for this work and potentially looking at completing the work through an ARC Linkage Grant. Please contact us in the office if you would like to partner in this research.

Click through below to read the findings about the impact of the With One Voice program for participants.

Read the Summary Report

2018 With One Voice Choir Participant Survey Summary

Appendix A: Full Survey
Appendix B: Interview Schedule

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