Privacy Policy · Creativity Australia
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Privacy Policy

Creativity Australia’s Privacy Statement

Creativity Australia is committed to protecting your privacy. Establishing a trusting relationship with our members is central to our work practices.

This statement makes clear our information gathering and dissemination practices for all of our online activities and is based on the Australian Privacy Commissioner’s National Principles for the Fair Handling of Personal Information. If you have comments or questions regarding this privacy statement, please contact: [email protected].

1. Collection

Creativity Australia collects and stores the following information about visitors to its website:

  • the IP address and browser type of the user;
  • the date and time you access our site; and
  • the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site.

This information does not in itself identify individuals and is used only to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of the site to help us make it more useful to you. You are free to browse our site without entering any personal information and therefore remain anonymous during your visit.

User Feedback/Order Form
Creativity Australia collects information from visitors who provide feedback on one or more of the services we offer on the site. This feedback is used to administer and refine the service. We may also use the information and ideas you send us to improve or promote the site, but we will not publish your name in association with any information you provide without contacting you and gaining your permission.

Creativity Australia collects information from you when you join our mailing list or join a program but the information is only used to manage your membership or subscription. Your contact information will only be used to manage your membership and your billing information will only be used to bill you for that membership.

2. Use and Disclosure

We don’t sell or loan or give away information collected from any of our activities. No data collected from the site will be disclosed to a third party except where the details are required to transfer information for volunteering and donations and where it is legally required.

3. Data Quality

We strive to keep all information up to date by making regular scheduled updates. If you have identified that the information that we hold about you is incorrect, please contact us immediately so we can amend it. Contact [email protected].

4. Data Security

We are concerned to provide a secure environment for your privacy. We take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of the personal data we hold from such risks as loss or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure of data.

Creativity Australia wants to ensure that all of our members can interact with us with confidence online.

We have created a secure transaction environment by using PayPal as an option for donations and memberships.

In the event of unauthorised use of your credit card, you must notify your credit card provider in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures.

We are not involved in the selling, trading or alternative unauthorised use of personal information. We promise that we will not pass on any of your personal details to any other another organisations.

From time to time, we may provide statistical information about traffic patterns and navigation techniques to reputable third parties. This will simply comprise data collected about you and other users to form aggregate results. It will not include any direct personal information that identifies you as a member of

5. Off-site Links

Creativity Australia is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of any site that is linked to this one. Your activity on those sites is covered by the privacy policies on those sites.

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