Video Gallery · Creativity Australia
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Video Gallery

Experience a With One Voice rehearsal.

Inspiring Video Highlights of the With One Voice program.

Highlights of the With One Voice program.

A TEDx Melbourne Talk by our Founder and Chair Tania de Jong AM: How singing together changes the brain

Apply for a grant up to $10k to start a With One Voice choir in your community

Creativity Australia was delighted to receive the Fosters Community Grant in support of the With One Voice choir program.

Meet the choirs in this video:

I Wish

Every week With One Voice participants share and grant wishes big and small through the Wish List. In this video, they share some of their biggest wishes and gratitudes.

Sing for Good Highlights 2015

Let’s have fun, feel good and make a difference to people in need!

Sing It Our (Music Video)

Sing for Spring 2014 theme Sing It Out, written and performed by Scott Johnson, featuring Ambassador Verity Hunt-Ballard and With One Voice choir participants.

Creativity Australia’s Founder and Chair Tania de Jong AM on singing, spirituality and finding your unique voice.

Watch With One Voice Ashburton perform their original song The Joy of Song.

Sing for Spring 2014 Ambassador Verity Hunt-Ballard imagines what the world might be like if people sang more.

With One Voice Brisbane sing Jay Turner’s original composition Truly Beautiful.

Creativity Australia’s Founder and Chair Tania de Jong AM introduces Sing for Good (then known as Sing for Spring).

TEDx Flash Mob

Audience members at TEDx were surprised and delighted by the immense joy and energy of With One Voice.

Refugee (Have Mercy)

Watch With One Voice Brisbane, Freedom Train and Mixed Beans choirs perform their original song in support of the rights and humane treatment of asylum seekers.

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Benefit Geelong grant awarded to With One Voice Geelong

The team from Benefit Geelong came to With One Voice Geelong’s rehearsal on Monday to award them with a grant! This grant will allow… [Read]

Lina’s story

“When I came to Australia I didn’t even know about community choirs, but then I found one and they became… [Read]

Drift Away: National With One Voice choir project

We are beyond thrilled to announce the release of our first national With One Voice Australia choir project! 24 choirs… [Read]

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