Creative programs that transform lives
“I have cerebral palsy and walk with elbow crutches. I also use a mobility scooter to get to where I need to go. I am passionate about singing and joined the program to meet new people and improve my networks. The With One Voice choirs enable members to meet other people who they wouldn’t normally meet. If I met someone who was struggling with something, I would encourage them to come to the With One Voice program because it will help them to forget their worries for a short time each week. They will find people in the program who will accept them for who they are and could even help change their lives for the better, even in the smallest way.
I had been looking for work for six years. I made a wish for help with my resume and then I managed to find a job in a call centre. Unfortunately, I was sacked from that job after eight weeks even though I tried hard to do everything they asked. I mentioned at choir that I had just been sacked from my job and my wish was to find a good ongoing job. That night I was introduced to a woman who had been invited to the choir by Tania. She said she might be able to help me with some voluntary work.
I called her and she offered me paid work! I worked for her for 36 months – the longest time I have had a job. I then got another job through the choir working for the Victorian Electoral Commission.
I feel so excited about how life has changed for me! I volunteered as choir member support officer at With One Voice Melbourne because I wanted to give back to a community that has given me so much. I also volunteer part-time at the Creativity Australia office.
I now also earn enough money to sponsor another disadvantaged person to be part of this life-changing program. Choir has changed my life!”
Annabel, With One Voice Melbourne