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Do good. Feel good. Sing for Good is now open!

Shower cover photoPlease help us get communities singing in every postcode of Australia!

Our inspirational community singing project Sing for Good has just opened and we’ve already received amazing video entries from office workers, flash mobbers, OzHarvest, Cambodia, a yoga class and more! Check out the gallery

About Sing for Good
Sing for Good aims to get communities singing for joy in every postcode of Australia and beyond. Families, workplaces, schools, sports teams… everyone is welcome.

  1. sing with a group (two or more)
  2. enter your video
  3. vote, donate + celebrate

There are heaps of categories, plus cash prizes for schools. Winners are announced at our huge With One BIG Voice concert at Melbourne Town Hall (3pm Sunday 8 November). Book tickets.

Donations raised help people in need through Creativity Australia’s With One Voice program.

How to help:

 With One Voice welcomes people aged 9 to 90, from all cultures and backgrounds. Through the Wish List, diverse people grant each other wishes like music lessons, language tuition and jobs. Swinburne University research showed 98% of With One Voice choir participants experienced less stress, 91% improved social bonds and 66% feel less depressed. The program has also been named in Anthill’s SMART 100 social innovations in 2015, 2014 and 2013.

Do good. Feel good. Register now at www.singforgood.org

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