The Joy Of Song · Creativity Australia
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The Joy Of Song

Creativity Australia - WOBV

On Sunday 15 September, the With One Voice choirs raised the roof of the Melbourne Town Hall, sharing the joy of song with more than 1,000 audience members. Moving stories were shared and inspirational songs performed by all thirteen choirs.

Singing is the language of the heart. For centuries, song has played a key role in community, culture and story-telling worldwide. Yet how many people dare to sing freely these days… apart from in the shower?

Community singing empowers voices that have been silenced, unleashes creative potential… and that’s just the start.

Every week, Creativity Australia’s 13 With One Voice choirs inspire people from more than 40 nationalities, aged 9 to 90, to sing side-by-side. Age, race, language, religion, disability and disadvantage fade away. Everyone is welcome.

Click here to read more about the With One Voice program, or join us in song at your local choir.

Photographs courtesy of Graham Denholm, Barbara March and Victor Dam.


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