Scaling impact: from start-up to sustainability · Creativity Australia
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Scaling impact: from start-up to sustainability


In March 2015, Creativity Australia’s With One Voice program celebrates it’s sixth birthday. We’re recognised as one of Australia’s top social innovations and more and more people are contacting us wanting to set up social inclusion choirs in their communities (check out our new MyChoir Guide).

To give you some more insight into our vision and challenges, we invite you to browse two fantastic articles from the Stanford Social Innovation Review: Scaling Impact by Jeffrey Bradach and What’s Your Endgame? by Alice Gugelev and Andrew Stern.

These beautifully written articles gives great insight into the challenges we face (shared by virtually all other not-for-profits) and the incredible opportunity we have to contribute to a critical endgame for communities and disadvantaged people.

We would love you to be part of this journey. Ways to help include joining a choir, spreading the word , taking part in Sing for Spring or making a donation. Together, we can change the world… one voice at a time!

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Benefit Geelong grant awarded to With One Voice Geelong

The team from Benefit Geelong came to With One Voice Geelong’s rehearsal on Monday to award them with a grant! This grant will allow… [Read]

Lina’s story

“When I came to Australia I didn’t even know about community choirs, but then I found one and they became… [Read]

Drift Away: National With One Voice choir project

We are beyond thrilled to announce the release of our first national With One Voice Australia choir project! 24 choirs… [Read]

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