Elizabeth Walsh · Creativity Australia
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Elizabeth Walsh

Elizabeth Walsh (aka Lizzie) began to learn the violin at the age of 7. She completed AMEB exams and HSC music throughout primary and secondary college, and then continued her studies at Monash University in Clayton completing a Bachelor of Music. Elizabeth started teaching the violin when she was 17. Due to her interest in assisting youth to achieve, she not long after completed a Certificate IV in Youth Work. Elizabeth moved to Narrandera in 2004 and has since built up a school of up to 30 violin students (both school aged and mature age)in the areas of Narrandera and Leeton. The ensemble groups that Elizabeth has managed can often be seen performing at the Leeton Eisteddfod and in the past her string ensembles and senior quartets have showcased their talents to the community. At times ensembles have participated in paid gigs and volunteered their time for important community events.

Elizabeth has recently completed a Bachelor of Teaching Degree (Primary and Secondary) through Deakin University in Melbourne and is enjoying the opportunity to teach in the primary classroom. On occasion, Elizabeth performs with local music groups; “The Tin Shed Rattlers” (folk music), “Two Girls Ten Strings” (a violin and classical guitar duo), and the local Narrandera string quartet “Highly Strung”. In her ‘spare’ time she enjoys spending time with her husband and two young daughters and participates in some freelance performances for recording.

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