Creative programs that transform lives
Do you have a special talent you’d like to share?
We’re looking to for With One Voice members with hidden talents (or not so hidden talents) that they’d be happy to share with the world over on our live stream channel.
We know there are lots of you out there who love to perform, so whether you have the moves like Jagger, paint like Picasso or simply just want to sing us your favourite song.. record yourself doing so and send it in to us! Maybe you are a super slick horse rider, or you play an interesting instrument? Whatever it is.. we want to hear from YOU!
Every Thursday we will showcase a selection of your video’s from 6pm over on our Live Stream and we will also pop them up on our YouTube Channel for everyone to enjoy and marvel over!
Please make sure your videos are no longer than 5 minutes long.
Once you’ve recorded yourself or asked your bestie to record a video for you, you can either email the video to us at [email protected] or if it’s a large file, you can upload them to this folder by clicking HERE.
Don’t forget to tell us, your name, state and which choir you sing with!
If you need some help sending in the video, just drop us a line at the above address and we can help.
We look forward to seeing your entries!