Daniel Brinsmead · Creativity Australia
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Daniel Brinsmead

Daniel Brinsmead (b. 1988) is a graduate of the School of Music at the Australian National University where he received a Bachelor of Music with Honours for performance studies in Classical Voice.  His choral compositions and arrangements have been performed by school, university, community and professional choirs in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.  He was selected as 1 of 8 winners from 918 worldwide entries to record his composition Come Sleep for the Abbey Road Anthem Competition in 2011 to celebrate the studio’s 80th anniversary.  This recording was conducted and performed by Eric Whitacre and his singers.  Since then he has been featured as the composer-in-residence at Border Music Camp and has been invited to conduct his music across Australia.

Daniel has been the choir master of several choirs in Canberra, Australia, a singing and piano tutor, baritone soloist, accompanist, composer, arranger and orchestrator.  He holds a Master of Music majoring in choral conducting from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, (2016).  Visit www.danbrinsmead.com for more information.

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