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Do you need to be a part of an organisation to apply for a grant?
Yes. We do not provide grants to individuals. Each choir requires a ‘Responsible Body’ who agree to oversee the choir’s establishment and monitor on-going activities.

Can existing choirs apply?
Yes. BUT – we would require the understanding and commitment that you were creating a NEW With One Voice choir, with a NEW name that used our branding and processes etc. If you are very attached to your name and way of doing things then the grant probably isn’t for you. If you think your choir could become a part of our life-changing model of social inclusion and join our With One Voice family then please consider applying.

We are a specific migrant or other marginalised group wanting to set up a choir program? Do we qualify?

With One Voice celebrates diversity across all cultures, faiths, generations and abilities. To be eligible for our grants your proposed program must embrace true diversity from the outset. We find that programs that start with one specific like-group and then try to expand to a broader population invariably fail because the perception of WHO the choir is made up of commences with the launch of the program.

I am a musician/singer/conductor wanting to start a choir? Am I eligible?

To be eligible for our grants your proposal must confirm names of your specific organising committee which should represent diverse people who have a range of roles, including some with leadership roles, across your community.

Do I need a Conductor?

Choirs who are successful are able to identify & engage an inspiring local community musical leader with the requisite skills to arrange and deliver an un-auditioned community choir. If you think you have a great plan but no musical leader, we can assist. We also provide training through our Conductor Development Program.

My organisation gets government funding – will that affect my eligibility?
No. We totally understand that community/health/welfare/arts organisations in general receive funding from government. We are unable to partner with a Government service exclusively, but would hope that all our choirs can receive local support to ensure the ongoing sustainability and development of their programs.

Where does the grant funding come from?
The grant funding we have available comes from a variety of different sources – Government, Trusts and private Philanthropy. Currently we are providing grants with funds from the Federal DSS, this is why there are some important limitations on who and what we can fund.

What is your member contribution model?
With One Voice choirs are designed to be sustainable programs that contribute to their communities over a long period of time. We therefore place a high emphasis on ensuring that the majority of your income is received via member contributions. No one is to be denied access to the program due to inability to pay. However, each choir’s challenge is to develop a membership ‘mix’ that can fund the choir’s operations each year.

That means having people in the program who are employed or retired with the ability to pay and support others less fortunate, as well as those who are disadvantaged and can only make a smaller contribution. While grants/donations are welcome, these are not a reliable way to ensure your choirs long-term success. Make sure you read the model outline before applying. All member contributions and donations are tax-deductible because we are a DGR 1 registered charity.

What are the key things I need to consider?
Establishing and delivering a successful and viable community inclusion choir requires work. People need more than just an interest in singing. You will have a strong desire to create a unique wellbeing and social inclusion program that uses the neuroscience of singing to build a happier and healthier community. We’ll help every step of the way.

You need to be well-connected to many parts of your community (business, community, education/health services, council etc), be able to engage and manage a committee to assist the choir’s creation and finally work with Creativity Australia staff to set up the infrastructure needed to develop a successful program that changes lives.

How do you choose which applications are successful?
All applications are assessed on a scale of 1-5 against the 9 criteria outlined in the Information Kit. Applications scoring high after this assessment will either be asked to provide some further clarification (if necessary) or awarded a grant.

Making sure your application clearly addresses EACH of the 9 criteria, demonstrating your understanding of the model and the ability to secure support both financially and in-kind gives you the best chance of being shortlisted.

What happens if our organisation is successful in receiving a grant?
If you are successful you will be notified and begin our ‘Roadmap to Launch’ with your Program Mentor. This is a 12- week process that will provide the training and information your Conductor, Coordinator, Committee and Choir need to launch the program and begin delivering the weekly rehearsals.

From 12 weeks until 6 months you will continue to speak to your mentor fortnightly and from 6+ months this will move to monthly contact. We will, of course, also continue to be available to support you on an as-needs basis.

What does the seed-funding grant generally pay for?
The grant is simply the start-up seed funding you will need to begin your program. It will contribute to your conductor’s wages, and also (where applicable) – venue hire, supper costs, printing, materials, equipment.

The grant will (probably) not be enough to cover all costs in the first 12 months, which is why we will work with you to develop a financial base through membership contribution income, choir performances/ fundraising and local partnerships over the first 6-9 months that can sustain the choir after the seed funding has been spent.

When will funding be allocated and how?
Funding is provided over 9 months and is allocated in 4 payments after reaching key milestones of development. All payments/income for a choir will be deposited into the separate account we will open. The actual amounts will depend on your agreed grant total. Each choir is expected to generate income through membership and fundraising to supplement this grant income in the first year and beyond.

What support is provided by Creativity Australia Head Office?
Creativity Australia provide the following support

YEAR 1. Free access to:
• Your own experienced WOV mentor who will be available to guide you every step of the way
• Access to our DGR status providing tax-deductiblilty for all membership, donations and access to grants
• Access to the With One Voice National Brand, and inclusion in all National and State opportunities
• Access to our network of 100+ choir Coordinators, Key Volunteers and Conductors to provide advice from their experiences and assist with personal and professional development
• Access to our program and music resource library built up over 10 years
• A dedicated page on our CA website, Facebook page and other marketing and social media assistance
• Custom With One Voice T-shirts for your choir
• Membership data and payment processing – processing all forms, managing automatic membership payments, all invoicing, all receipting
• All insurances and relevant licencing
• Monthly financial and membership reports that help you manage your program
• Access to our Data Management platform Pasme for communications, registering attendance and finance

YEAR 2 onwards
• All of the above is provided for $250 per month -This amount will only be charged to, and payable by, the WOV choir Unincorporated Association itself.

Please Note: A responsible body (i.e. your organisation) will NEVER be liable for this amount. Each choir has its own separate bank account set-up and all transactions will take place through this.

What happens when your choir becomes successful and viable?
After our 12 month development and mentoring phase, all our choirs should have a solid and viable financial base from which to continue their good work. Where there are funds available over and above this we encourage each committee to identify areas of need in their communities and develop appropriate and positive responses.

Many of our choirs have reached this moment and have created additional choirs, children’s choirs, second rehearsal events for those less able to attend evening sessions, work ready activities, training and more. When your choir does more than sing the With One Voice Model is expressed to its fullest and really does change the world.. one voice and one community at a time.


For further information, please call Nathan on (03) 8679 6088 or email [email protected]

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