Royal Children’s Hospital Sings for The Queen · Creativity Australia
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Royal Children’s Hospital Sings for The Queen

The Royal Children’s Hospital Sings Choir performed at the opening of the new Royal Children’s Hospital in October, 2011.  This momentous occasion was particularly special as it was attended by the Queen, and the choir performed beautifully for her, Prince Philip as well as a large VIP audience.

It has been almost 50 years since the RCH moved to its original site, and the Queen did in fact open the former hospital building in February 1963 – what a great way to commemorate 50 years of excellence, and to celebrate the fantastic new hospital.

Explore the RCH website to learn more about its new facilities and initiatives – including an open air Meerkat enclosure, or check out our photo gallery for some more photos.

Congratulations to all involved!


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