Emotional sunshine · Creativity Australia
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Emotional sunshine


“I have been attending Melbourne Sings at the Sofitel for over a year but only on an irregular basis because of work commitments. I am now delighted to be retired and so can do all sorts of other things, one of which is to get to a choir at least once a week.

I wanted to let you and of course the wonderful Shaun and the Creativity Australia team know that being able to get to choir is incredibly important to me. I relocated to Melbourne from Brisbane a couple of years ago and after going to the concert at the Melbourne Town Hall, started coming to the choir.

What I realise is that I want and need to be part of something greater that myself and have searched around to see where I can fit and make a contribution. I am navigating this new chapter in my life.

Every time I have been able to come back to Melbourne Sings I am filled with joy and I have given this joy a name and I call it emotional sunshine.

So I  thank you and wish all of you the best for this festive season and look forward to an emotionally sunshine filled 2014 with lots of singing, of course!”


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