Altona Meadows is BACK! · Creativity Australia
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Altona Meadows is BACK!

We’re delighted to announce that the Altona Meadows choir is BACK! Starting this Thursday (2:00 – 3:30) at the Altona Meadows Community Centre in Trafalgar Ave.

We’re also delighted to announce the incredibly talented and experienced Steph Payne has joined the With One Voice family, and will lead the newly re-formed Altona Meadows choir. Here’s what she had to say this week:

“I’m Steph Payne, the new director of the choir and we invite you to a part of the new chapter in the choir’s history.

I’ve been directing a cappella community choirs for 25 years. I remember watching a choir sing live for the first time and thinking the best place to hear that must be where the director stands and deciding that was the job for me. Once I’d experienced the beautiful feeling of singing harmonies and being part of a singing community, I wanted everyone to feel that joy too. I went off to study music and the rest is history! I am also the director of Willin Wimmin, women’s choir in Williamstown, which I’ve done for the last 8 years.

You’ll notice all directors have their own style. I teach a lot of folk, world and popular songs. There is soul, positivity and heart in the music and I can’t wait to share it with you.

We hopefully have a performance coming up! We’ve applied to sing in the Newport Fiddle & Folk Club’s upcoming Theme Night. It’s just one song but it’s so great to be a part of this fun event and to have something to work towards.

Come along on the 28th of April and see if you enjoy yourself and we’ll sort out joining properly, if you want to, once you’re there.

Term 2 begins 28 April, 2022.
Thursdays 2:00pm-3:30pm
Altona Meadows Community Centre – 28 Trafalgar Avenue, Altona Meadows.

Who is the choir for?

As always with WOV choirs, adults of all abilities, cultures, backgrounds, vocal ranges and genders are welcome. Even if you’ve never sung a note, you are welcome here.

Can you help?

We will need a couple of volunteers to help with the admin of the choir. Please let me know if you’re willing.

Spread the word!

Do you know anyone who’d like to sing? Tell them about us. Bring a friend! Attached is a jpg that can be shared on your social media feeds. We’d like to build up the choir numbers to ensure it’s longevity so we need help to find people.

Covid Safety

It is the nature of groups like ours to have some vulnerable community members who need to be protected from Covid-19, myself included. I take this quite seriously.

Please be careful to never attend when unwell, if you are a close contact or if you have any suspicion that you’ve been exposed to the virus.
Please be sure to be vaccinated and if you are more comfortable wearing a mask, that is great.
While at choir, the chairs will be spread out and I encourage everyone to avoid touching or getting close to each other.
Despite whatever rules governments may or may not have in place, looking after each other’s health and safety will remain important.

Thanks Kym Dillon!

Thank you to Kym Dillon for all of the work and music lovingly put into starting and building this community and for the support and wishing us well now. Kym remains well loved by all (she’s a tough act to follow!) and I look forward to the times the broader WOV community gathers and we get to sing all together.

I am excited to meet you all, get to know this community and help it to grow into this next phase.

Steph Payne”

We’re so delighted to have Altona Meadows singing together once more after such a long hiatus. We hope you can make it down for a sing. Tell your friends!

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